Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Project Components
Critical Reflection
My short film, Unaware, aimed to capture the pressure felt by teens preparing for the SAT. More specifically, I aimed to capture the idea that preparing for your future as you prepare for college can be a challenge that people often do not accept and deal with which leads to chaos.
Unaware is a comedic coming-of-age film. When looking at the coming-of-age conventions I was reminded of how coming-of-age films often focus on an important period of time for the main character as change is occurring. Researching these conventions made me think of two of my favorite films Sixteen Wishes and The Half of It which both feature stories about change that incorporate a love story, another common coming-of-age convention. Unaware features Sofia who is studying for her important SAT. To an extent, my film challenges the coming-of-age conventions since there is no strong romance in this film, but there does seem to be a developing crush on someone unknown. Unaware aligns with the comedic conventions which ties to the specific comedic choice of dialogue used. For example: "Help me, Harry". This current age reference is meant to make the audiences laugh and feel that they can relate to Sofia. Often people love to associate with and feel a connection with their favorite celebrities. Also, specific shot choices such as the long shot where Sofia falls on the treadmill and the long shot where Sofia forgets her keys making her stop mid-shot come together to develop an overall comedic tone. This aligns with the comedic conventions since often in comedy films there are over-the-top actions taking place, which is exemplified by Sofia taking a long time and doing unnecessary tasks to prepare for school. Challenging the comedic conventions is the ending of Unaware since it does not end in a happy tone rather it ends in the frustration Sofia feels after realizing she woke up during the middle of the night.
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Frustration Filled |
A way I could improve the brand would be by using the same font on all promotional items such as posts and the postcard. Speaking of the postcard, I do not think it developed my brand well. I mentioned
the social media pages and film festival screenings on the back of the card, but the postcard itself may have made the film look like it was a horror film due to the darkness of the key art. I used pink text to try and balance this out. This choice of the colored text relates to my target audience being females.
My brand is not only able to interact with its female aged twelve to eighteen target audience but is also able to represent its target audience. The main character and only character featured on the screen in Unaware is Sofia. Sofia is dealing with the struggle of feeling like she is disappointing her parents as can be known by the music choice she listens to "When Do I Stop" by Ale Aldana. Sofia is a Latino teenage female. I decided to create the character Sofia since young Latino women are underrepresented in film. Paola Segnini, a Latino portrays the role of Sofia, and Ale Aldana a Latino created the music for the film. The age of Sofia can be seen through the story since the SAT is specific to students and also by the overall mise-en-scene. In Unaware it can be seen that Sofia is around the age of preparing to go to college since she has college shirts hanging in her closet. As mentioned prior, there is a romantic aspect of Unaware. After waking up Sofia sees a text from a contact labeled with a heart. The audience never learns the name or the gender of this person. There is often a lack of LGBTQ+ representation within the Latino community so it is possible that Sofia is not out to people so she hides the identity of this crush. She also has a mini pride flag on a shelf in her room. I choose these aspects to represent the LGBTQ+ community and to normalize their existence in films. Many films based on LGBTQ+ characters solely focus on the romance aspect. I think Unaware is successful in representing my desired target audience due to the modern aspects of the story, but I could have included more Latino culture such as Sofia using Spanish after she falls on the treadmill or her mother using Spanish to express her deepened frustration towards her daughter after she is informed of Sofia's actions.
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Modern Materials |
After the creation of Unaware over the span of ten weeks, I have gained knowledge on the process of creating a short film alone. I also have deepened my passion for marketing. I know there are aspects of each of the three components that could've been better, specifically making sure that all three aspects are tied together both visually and meaning-wise. All things considered, I am proud of the short film Unaware, its social media pages, and its postcard.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Did I Find My Purpose?
Monday, April 10, 2023
Post Card
I have now completed all three components of my project! Here is my print component, the postcard!
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Front |
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Back |
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Social Media
Hi again blog, I made a blooper reel for my film! Whilst filming Paola (aka Sofia) and I (the director) had lots of funny moments which I felt the audience would enjoy seeing. This is also a source of promotion for "Unaware" since I am posting it prior to posting the film.
I uploaded a few more posts on Instagram and linked the Spotify playlist I created for the film. I also created a Tik Tok account where I posted a few videos and then added them to Instagram as well. I have a few Tik Toks saved to post after the film's release.
Plot-wise I was very lucky that my first and last shots came naturally. As you would notice if you watch the blooper reel (which you should) in the first blooper I mistakenly was recording and say "3 Oh I was filming this whole time" since I had planned to start recording, but already was. This leads well into the rest of the bloopers. The last shot is not really a blooper. It is footage I shot to use for a vlog, but then I never did create the vlog because I did not capture enough vlog footage. However, this clip fits perfectly as an end to the blooper reel as in it Paola and I wave bye to the camera!
Editing Wrap Up
Hey blog, I never made a proper blog post as to how editing my film Unaware went so here is this!
Importing Footage:
When I initially imported my footage I had over five minutes of footage just from the start of the short film till the gym scene ended. I was very worried as I knew once I imported the rest my film would be likely over ten minutes. Luckily I found the portion of iMovie that allows you to change the speed of your footage! I majorly utilized this tool.
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Speed |
Stabilize Footage:
Another iMovie tool I utilized was the stabilization ability. Even with my camera rig, I had some shacky hands so some of my footage was shakey. I was able to add the stabilization effect so my footage is more stable.
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Stabilized |
Match Color:
I used the match color filter to make each gym scene look the same. Since I shot from multiple angles in that location the lightning differed prior, so this helped!
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Matching Color |
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Matching Color |
Speaking of color I used iMovies Day into Night filter to make sure that the clips where Sofia leaves and enters the house appear to be nighttime. We shot these scenes at night, but my outside porch light was a little too bright and cold not be dimmed.
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Before and After |
To edit a few close-up shots I used the crop-to-fit feature on iMovie so that the image displayed was easily readable.
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Sofia's Screen |
All of my dialogue I was able to record while on set! I only added in the music/music alarm and a few extra dietetic sounds such as the sound of Sofia's phone being laid down and the sound of the shower running.
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Shower Sound |
When choosing a font for my title and credits I knew I wanted something that the audience would look at and think of school. I used the website Dafont and found the font "School Book New" which looks like a pencil writing.
Moving Foward:
I will be creating my postcard tomorrow!
I have created a blooper reel for social media and will post about it now!
Friday, April 7, 2023
Almost There
Hey, blog, less than a week remains till my project is due... that is crazy. I have an update for you all!
I have almost finished editing! I would like to get some feedback on my shortfilm tomorrow and Sunday to see if people think any changes need to be made.
I decided to use all of the footage I shot whilst filming. This means the storyline is longer! The ending is now when Sofia shows her frustration by laying her head down after she got ridiculed by her parents for waking up at the wrong time. I decided to go with this ending since I believe it fits my coming-of-age genre better since in coming-of-age films often the protagonist interacts with their family. In this case, the audience hears the protagonist's mom. I decided to have Sofia be the only character shown on screen since she is who the film is based on.
I apologize that this is short, editing has been taking up my time. I will go into more depth about the editing process and social media process tomorrow!
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Music Hates Me
Hey blog, I have not blogged on here thinking I would blog about my blooper reel being complete. Well... I have not started the blooper reel as I never heard back from Warner regarding using "Cold Cold Man" by Saint Motel. This really hurts the soul.
I looked for a song for the blooper reel and thought I found one on this website uppbeat. I then realized the sound was one of their premium sounds and that I would have to pay to use this. I will not be doing this.
I might call Warner again tomorrow and see if they can give me a more direct number to call for information since the lady who picked up when I called did not know about licensing. I would like to beg you to use the song. I may or may not have recorded the song on my phone and started editing a blooper reel with it to see if the song is worth fighting for to use. It is worth it. When in contact with the company tomorrow I may even say how I will use the instrumental version of the song if needed. If they claim I have to pay I might just pay... I know I should just find another song, but I am so set on this one.
I have already asked Ale, the creator of "When Do I Stop", to send me an instrumental recording of the song. I believe I will use this in my blooper reel if I do not gain the licensing rights.
Additionally, today I recorded a few more sounds for my short film. I recorded the sink water running and the shower running. I believe I have all the sounds I needed for "Unaware". I am entering my final little fixes editing period and then I will be getting feedback from my peers as to if the editing is clean.
Moving Foward:
I need to continue editing my short film.
I need to create my postcard.
I need to post on social media.
I need to find music for my blooper reel if I am unable to gain the licensing.
Life Update
Hi blog, senior year has been something. I have decided to finish my year by graduating early attending online classes. I am still going ...
Hey blog, I lack updates for you. I have not received an email back yet from the company regarding the song usage. I have a feeling I am n...
Hey blog, I ended up completing a bunch of AP United States history homework yesterday so that I could focus on studying for my upcoming S...
My short film, Unaware, aimed to capture the pressure felt by teens preparing for the SAT. More specifically, I aimed to capture the idea...