Friday, January 28, 2022

Music Marketing Blog Post #1

How Media Marketing Is Treating Me?!

January has led me to discover that I may not always be comfortable with the material I am working on producing, wondering where I am going with this?

I am currently creating a media marketing campaign and music video for the song entitled "Blind" by Korn, but this song is now not that and instead is "Cost of Life" by Moral Bargain

"Blind" lyrics
Well.. the genre of rock/metal is one I do not typically listen to. The lyrics made me a bit concerned, but I understand music can really be to any lyrics imaginable. Understanding the vibe for this song/genre has been a challenge. 

Before Success?!

Planning must be done if success is going to come. Cheesy, yet true! My group created an agreed on plan, full of the dates each task must be complete.

Google Doc with plan


The first step in understanding my groups genre was to research similar bands to discover their methods in the industry.  This research helped us understand that our genre does not have one specific target audience, and that often people of all ages enjoy it. We also learned how creative the genres bands merchandise can be, Slipknot even has band POP! figurines. 

Research on Roadrunner Records

After planning and once we somewhat had an idea on our genres vibe we began planning what our bands vibe would be. This led us to the creation of the storyboard for our music video. Our music video is about a boy with bipolar disorder, and how his life changes pace often. This constant pace change will be displayed in our music video. This idea came to us after reading the lyrics to the song multiple times, sort of analyzing the meaning.

Storyboard in words

Next Steps?!?!


With the multiple target audience ages in mind we have created merchandise including shirts, hats, and koozies. We believe people of all ages, genders, etc will be eager to make a purchase. We have merchandise with the band name and merchandise with lyrics from the song.

Social Media:

This merchandise will be displayed on all of our social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok. These social medias will expose the band to people who normally may shy away from the genre. 

I created my first Facebook page, which I clearly am unable to use as the name is "Mo Ba" and not "Moral Bargain".

Planning Facebook for Moral Bargain

 Unlike Facebook, I was able to successfully create a YouTube channel!

Moral Bargain YouTube channel

Yet again, my little exposure to the genre prior to this project is noted here in the original social media post I created. This merchandise post while may be good for a simple pop band, will not be suitable for Moral Bargain, as we need a more "sick" look.

I must examine not just the merchandise of other bands in our genre, but also the ways they use social media to promote the merchandise, and the ways they make it look "sick"

Layout of a merchandise social media add

How Will I Complete This?!?!

Good question!

I will (hopefully) be taking photographs of our band so these can become our banners on the social media accounts. Once all merchandise is finalized after creation I must find different ways to market our band and merchandise that is not something like above that someone would swipe right past. 

Music Video?!?!?!?!?!

Yes! The part I am most anticipating. We will be filming starting tomorrow and I will be creating some sort of behind the scenes content for the social media accounts. Wish us luck!!!

Life Update

   Hi blog, senior year has been something. I have decided to finish my year by graduating early attending online classes. I am still going ...