Friday, March 25, 2022

Live from New York, it's My Blog!

    Hi blog, New York City has been quite busy. I leave tomorrow and planned to stay home and focus on my project Saturday-Monday. I then discovered that I do not get home till very late, past midnight, so I did some editing tonight.


    Major progress has been made time-wise! I got the film opener down to two minutes and thirty-seven seconds. All clips we filmed combined totaled to over five minutes so I am very glad this number has shrunk. Our goal is a two-minute film opener so our length needs to shorten some more but I am proud of what I edited today. I am still so excited about how smooth the transitions between imagined scenes and real scenes are. 


    Minimal progress on sound has been made. I found out Julie is for sure okay with all spoken sound, other than the patient's voice recording, being dub. For now, I have muted all clips.


    I am going to mess around a little more with lighting in the future I thought about using one of the existing clip filter options but I am not sure if this is what we will end up using. This is something else I will discuss with Julie. 


    Today I called my brother Tyler, our score creator, to discuss our score. He believes if I am able to get him a finalized edit by Sunday night he can have it done sometime this upcoming week. I also discussed that I want sad piano music to cover the entire bathroom scene. I think it would be interesting if it gets louder each time the imagined room is shown and maybe ends the way it started showing nothing has really changed. I will be sharing this with Julie to get her opinion.

Moving Foward:

    Tomorrow I will reach out to the cast about dubbing. Luckily the majority of the sound comes from two voices. Patti and the unnamed patient/my mother and I. Sunday, I will record my lines and if my mother is up for it, I will help her record. I will see if Julie and Paola can get their line to me Sunday as well. 

    Once all sound is recorded I will begin to edit the sound into the opener. I believe this may be the most difficult part of the process since I need to make sure the sound lines up with the movement of the mouth. I will edit my own voice recording first, for the patient, as I believe this will be easier than editing the dub will be. Then I will take on the task of editing the dub.

    Once all dubbing and my voice recordings are edited in we can move focus to record diegetic sounds such as the door closing, walking, the water running, etc. I have no school Monday so I will spend the day focusing on this task and then editing the sounds into the opener. 

    I will then edit the lighting. Once I have my final edit I will share and compare to Julie's edit. We will then together edit whoever's turned out to be our combined favorite. 

    We need to find our font still and create the production company logo. Our screenplay is done... but Julie wants to put it into Word instead of the original website we used. Once she gets it formated the final way I will share it here! 

    In Saturday Night Live fashion I will end this blog with the words "We have a great film opener in the works for future viewers! Hard work is here so stick around!"


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Life Update

   Hi blog, senior year has been something. I have decided to finish my year by graduating early attending online classes. I am still going ...