Thursday, June 1, 2023
Closing the Chapter: Part 2
Closing the Chapter: Part 1
Hey blog, today was my final AICE Media class and I am feeling very sappy about it. I think I have grown as both a person and media artist throughout these past two years. Walking out of class was very odd, but I know I can go back to the AICE Media room whenever I need to.
Day one of sophomore year I remember as being a good day, my hair was looking good, I got to school on time, I had friends in my classes, an overall good experience! I had AICE Media AS the second period and I will admit the first time walking into that class I was nervous. I was one of just a few sophomores in the class that was typically taken by only seniors and juniors. I recognized many of the upperclassmen as being tv production students and this was a concern as I knew they had experiences I did not have.
I soon realized that my lack of experience would just mean I had to push myself harder. I believe my first AICE Media project was a short video which I could choose to make on anything. Due to my school opening a new building my partner/friend Brooke and I decided to make a project titled "Lightning Bolt Where?" . Looking back at this vide
o allowed me to see the growth that has occurred these past two years. My shots were very unstable and there was a lack of continuity. Our second AICE Media project (I think?) was a project where we had to take pictures that would convey a message. Mine was called something like "Fear of the Agenda" and it was about an evil agenda. I guess we can see that from the beginning of AS my brain had been in the psychological thriller area. I had a great time with this project as we were allowed to capture images throughout the school. I really enjoyed this freedom.
Also during that year, we had a sound project which was my first time exposed to foley sound art. I really enjoyed this project and to this day watch videos on foley, usually they are Disney videos. I would love to get the chance to work with this art more in the future. Another project, which as my favorite, was the media marketing project. For this project, my group was assigned a song, Blind by Korn. I had never heard this song prior as it was in the metal genre, a genre which I do not exactly listen to. This genre was new to me, but it made me do intense research on other groups as I created a full website with merchandise and tour dates for the band. in that blog you can see more specifics. We filmed at night in a Publix parking lot and it was such as funny experience. I also created a promotional video which looking back at the font I choose for it makes me laugh. This project really finalized my switch from wanting to be a psych major to wanting to be a media/communications major.
Finally, it was time to create my AICE Media AS project component. I still am proud of this project, "Can You Help Me" which I created with my friend Julie, but looking back there are so many changes I wish I could have made specifically with having more shot variety (which I still had troubles with this year) and with having my title appear on screen longer as this was a film opener.
Throughout the AICE Media AS course we also learned information for our end of year essays, one of which was a visual analysis. Analysing pieces in media has certainley impacted my viewing experience of other films. I find myself always thinking, "That's a nice shot." or "Oh why did they not film in that way." This class also brought me closer to my peers. I still miss the seniors from that class as they always shared such funny stories.
Life Update
Hi blog, senior year has been something. I have decided to finish my year by graduating early attending online classes. I am still going ...
Hey blog, I lack updates for you. I have not received an email back yet from the company regarding the song usage. I have a feeling I am n...
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